First look: Flor Silvestre SS15 collection

FLOR SILVESTRE spring/summer etxe We just finished up our spring/summer collection and even though it's time to make mulled wine and pull out the sweaters, we want to share our recent work with you. And because fashion is weird, that means spring.

Imagine, you're a 1930s movie star from Mexico that just crossed over to the Hollywood scene. You're a trail blazer, a bombshell, a force to be reckoned with. Yet you are also tied to the movie studios, and the stereotypes, and possibly the men.

But what if you wake up one day and you find yourself in an international city in 2014. You blend in. You can go where you want, be where you want and love who you want. You are truly independent. While only a lucky few can enjoy this, and even so we still have a long way go (sick of catcalls anyone?) the Flor Silvestre collection celebrates how far we've come.

As a Mexican-American woman living in DC I'm living proof that things have changed. My great-grandmas may not have been movies stars, but they were each most certainly a trail blazer, bombshell and force to be reckoned with.

Flor Silvestre means wildflower. It's a celebration of beauty and independence, style and adventure.

View our Flor Silvestre collection...