Man Repeller

watch #NYFW from the comfort of your home (or the W)

Not in NY? Don't want to wait for to post the shows? Follow these steps for instant access to #NYFW: Leandra Medine-Man Repeller - Etxe

1. Follow Leandra Medine. AKA the Man Repeller. She'll show you what she'd wear (which is kind of everything, but in the best way). Not only is she witty and smart, she has a sharp eye and does not hold back. @manrepeller

Screen shot @maisonmargiela Instagram photo

Creatures of the Wind -- Etxe

2. Follow your favorite designers that actually post things (other than glossy magazine ad shots) on Instagram, like Creatures of the Wind @creaturesofthewind  or Maison Martin Margiela @maisonmargiela or BCBG MAXAZRIA @bcbgmaxazria or Mara Hoffman @marahoffman.  Don't waste time searching for them on Instagram--just go here, click on the designer for profiles and official social links.

screen shot MB Fashion Week--Etxe

3. Follow Mercedes Benz Fashion Week @mbfashionweek because, well, they have a vested interested to show you everything.

photo from @saintrecords on Instagram

4. Follow Solange Knowles @saintrecords  Just because.

W Hotel Washington DC from W's Facebook page

5. Watch live streaming of four shows at the the W Washington D.C. Living Room starting tonight with Diane von Furstenberg! RSVP to and find show listings here.