make up

Birchbox February

It's March 10th! Which means my March Birchbox is on its way! Birchbox box

As a girl that can easily spend hours in Sephora, and truly enjoys testing new products, Birchbox is the ultimate gift. Birchbox delivery day feels like Christmas morning every month. Knowing I'll get my March box any day makes this week infinitely better!

But first, let's talk about my February box... February Birchbox

1. L'eau de opale perfume: * * *february perfume A light, fresh, spring flower kind of perfume. I like it and I'm enjoying the sample! Just not in the market for a new scent quite yet.

2. Face Spotlight: * * * * february illuminator It makes my skin smooth, glowing AND has SPF. I would definitely be interested in purchasing if it weren't so pricey!

3. OPI tinted top coat : * february top coat I needed a new top coat and was excited to try OPI's new tinted top coats. It gave a fun candy tint to my Revlon red nail polish, but did not preserve my polish any longer than normal. One star, not worth a purchase.

4. Breath treatment: * * * * * february breath Who needs gum when you can have Pop Rocks for grown ups! These popping crystals freshen your breath, not just turn your tongue red (strawberry Pop Rocks were everyone's favorite right?). These may find their way into my cart...

5. Half-up: * * * * * february half up The half-up provides the extra help to achieve the perfect half up bun, low bun, or top of your head bun! Stephanie liked it so much I ordered her one too! (shout out to Birchbox customer service for sending her a free one to the correct address after I ordered it to the wrong shipping address!!)

Here's my first half up bun attempt.. layers are tricky.. half up val

And here's Stephanie's beautiful low bun (yeah, I know, she wins) half up steph

On Saturday, we both showed up to brunch with half-ups in our hair! (Best top knot I've ever had btw).

Thanks Birchbox for such a fun February!!