
DO: CoastCoast collections blog launch party tonight!

I was standing in line at La Boulange last weekend in Hayes Valley (after a somewhat underwhelming Urban Air Market visit, save my favorite gems Pop Outerwear and L'Aromatica Perfume), and spotted the coolest crunchy soft silky jacket, and of course, asked the person wearing it if I could touch it. She said yes, and that's how I met Camilla.

Turns out, she got it at a thrift store and is part of a collective (four Parsons grads) that will soon be travelling the country (in small trips) to find similar unique pieces and display them online via styled photoshoots featuring local models and true Americana backdrops. With a blog, online store, and party CoastCoast hopes to connect past and present, promote reuse, and show how apparel consumption reflects a region’s culture. I love it.

The West Coast, CoastCoast launch party is tonight!

Californian Made Mercantile (formerly RAG) 541 Octavia St. San Francisco, CA 94102 September 20 7 - 10 pm

San Francisco Sea Lions, Seals, Missions and Tokyo Kyojins

Getting some inspiration from Ebbets Field Flannel's old school baseball jerseys and caps. I love these ones, especially since they reveal some of San Francisco's past. And it's so cool Tokyo's vintage team is also called the Giants, with the same colors! Ebbets Field Flannels authentic jerseys and caps

Read more about the history of each one or find your own inspiration at Seattle-based, USA Made, history-inspired Ebbets Field Flannels.