
Cat Forever: New Art by Primo Pitino at Alley Cat Books -- San Francisco

Primo Pitino Artwork at Alley Cat Books - Etxe I always loved running into Primo--and dancing to his record spinning--and seeing his posters all over town. I first met him at a NYE do-over party at 3435 Cesar Chavez and have been following his work ever since. I wanted to do a Betabrand piece of clothing inspired by his artwork, but it never got through development. Who wants to wear these CATS?! I do!

Primo Pitino Artwork 3

If you are in San Francisco, go check it out before it is too late--Cat Forever: New Art by Primo Pitino. If you aren't in SF, check out this 360 degree view by Han Lee (made with app bubbli). Alley Cat books has this sweet gallery space where they feature local artists such as DJ/Artist Primo Pitino. And when they don't have art shows, they have a ping pong table up. So no excuses to not check out my favorite book store on my favorite block on my old favorite place to live. Ah, I miss 24th Street. But, not as much as I love where I am now. And since I've discovered Harrar Coffee, I've solved the Philz problem. Now I need to find an 'Oldies Night' and '2 Men Will Move You'...oh Primo nothing can replace you! Thanks for making SF so fun and don't ever change. If you move, move to DC.

Primo Pitino Artwork 2 - Etxe

Cat Forever: New Art by Primo Pitino Alley Cat Books 3036 24th Street San Francisco 94110

The best parties in the city (if you actually like dancing):

Oldies Night at the Knockout -- First Friday of the month 2 Men Will Move You at Amnesia -- Second Saturday of the month

DO: The Dirt on Dorian Grey at Counter Pulse

Local artist Samantha Giron isn't afraid to bring up the uncomfortable questions: Career or children? Sex or security? Now or Later? Settle or Fly Away? In her dance program The Dirt on Dorian Gray, she blends contemporary, street dance, electronic music and interviews conducted during her research to talk about up the uncomfortable truth: the Peter Pan Syndrome we all have, in one way or another, here in San Francisco.

I've seen her work a few times and I am always amazed by the choreography and sound scores. Every time I leave in deep thought about my own human experience. The show starts this Friday, July 19th at Counter Pulse, one of my venues -- it's intimate setting helps to connect you as a vistor to the performers and other attendants alike. Do check it out.

Buy Tickets here ($15 - $20) The Dirt on Dorian Gray Samantha Giron Dance Project Show runs JULY 19-21, FRI-SUN at 8PM CounterPULSE 1310 Mission Street (at 9th Street in SoMa) San Francisco, CA 94103

Amor de Dios...Flamenco, Fearless

Davide Cossu Photography, Amor de Dios studio. Madrid, Spain.

I remember getting lost in La Latina searching for Flamenco shoes. Finding a small shop and being fitted with these black leather, heeled works of art that looked like artifacts compared to the costume shoes I used to wear in dance performances growing up. I splurged for a skirt. I went back to my place in Salamanca and tried it all on, with a black leotard, put my hair in a low bun and tried to make my best Flamenco face. I took out my map of Madrid and tried to memorize the way to Amor de Dios, so I wouldn't look like a tourist. A visitor. Someone that doesn't belong.


I wrapped up in layers, it was fall, and walked to the metro. Took the blue line to Antón Martín and took a peak at my map. I wandered the old cobblestone streets, past la Jamonería, past Cine Dore, through a market, up the stairs and stumbled into a bare room. Christián was the teacher. I was never the same.


I've always been inspired by Flamenco -- the passion, the music, the style, the movement, the arms. Even though once my sister and I snuck out of a performance half way through, because we couldn't take any more wailing, I love it.

Here are some photos that inspire me and I hope inspire fearlessness in you!

Here are a song from Christián's flamenco cd that he gifted me when I left Madrid: Flamenco de Christián uno

Davide Cossu Photography, Amor de Dios

flamencoshoes -- etxe




