
Wanderlust Wednesday: The Alhambra

Alhambra at night The Alhambra, Granada, Andalucía, Spain

Travel time from Madrid to Granada by train: 4-5 hours. Ideal trip length: A week if you want to explore Andalucía. Tips: Book in advance. Visit at night and during the day.

"Everything here appears calculated to inspire kind and happy feelings, for everything is delicate and beautiful. The very light falls tenderly from above, through the lantern of a dome tinted and wrought as if by fairy hands."  Washington Irving, Tales of the Alhambra

Alhambraprivatepalacecity view from Alhambra

There is so much history and there so many stories you can find online. I found an old post of mine -- too funny:

Granada was everything you can imagine, and more . . . again I will try and show you with my pictures and not my words :)

One night a bunch of us had our own botellón because we were too lazy to walk over to where the actual botellón was taking place . . . What is a botellón you may ask? It is basically just where people gather to drink, BYOB style . . . yet Christina and I (she is a friend that goes to NW) get fanta and vodka because it tastes much better. When you go to the little stores to buy the alcohol they actually ask you how many cups you want and give you ice. Technically,drinking in the streets is illegal, but everyone does it anyway. The cops even came to our botellón! But, as usual, they just walk by, make sure everyone is happily drunk and socializing, than leave---only in Spain.

Hope my travel blogging has gotten better, for now loving the #nostalgia. And now, back to laundry.

Follow my Alhambra pinboard on Pinterest:

Alhambra Pinboard

Wanderlust Wednesdays: Sopelana sunsets and approaching dreamscapes

Sopelana, País Vasco

"For whatever we lose (like a you or a me) it's always ourselves we find in the sea." - E. E. cummings

Living in a small beach town on the Northern coast of Spain was an absolute dream. I'm wandering in my memories right now, ready for the onset of dreamscapes that always materialize when I'm reminiscing. I'm pretty sure I'm still technically a resident.

Sopelana, País Vasco

road signs in Sopelana, País Vasco

Sopelana, País Vasco

surfing in Sopelana, País Vasco

"I could never stay long enough on the shore; the tang of the untainted, fresh, and free sea air was like a cool, quieting thought." - Helen Keller

Sopelana, País Vasco

The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. - Jacques Cousteau

Sopelana sunset

Wanderlust Wednesdays: Festa Major de Gràcia

Festa Major de Gràcia Barcelona, Spain.

This time last year I was celebrating my birthday at 'the craziest block party in Spain'Festa Major de Gràcia. It's a week long party that starts on my birthday and goes pretty much non-stop for 7 days. Gràcia is one of my favorite neighborhoods in Barcelona, with bohemian boutiques, chic cafés, locally sourced restaurants and the most fun bars. While some people go to Burning Man for their kicks, I prefer the Catalán way...every street gets a theme and decorates with recycled things. The presentation is mind-boggling, and I am a bit embarrassed I don't have more photos, but I was a bit occupied dancing, drinking, eating and making friends with people from all over the world. Over a million people go just for this party and no one spends more than they would on a normal night out in San Francisco--for the entire week.

Festa Major de Gràcia - Cowboys and Indians

Wandering doesn't get any better than walking around during this festival. You'll be surprised at every corner you turn. Teepees? Jellyfish? Giant Star Wars figures? Anarchist punk rock concerts? Circus acrobats? Hip hop classes? Electro dance parties?

Festa Major de Gràcia - recycled decorations

Luckily, I had a place to stay in the neighborhood, otherwise just take the metro to Fontana and follow all the people.

Festa Major de Gràcia - salon

Yes, line dancing, 20s-themed drinks, salsa, all ages out all night, castellers (human tower building)...


Star struck everywhere. Magic really happens here.

Festa Major de Gràcia - circus, circus Festa Major de Gràcia - big kissUntil next time, happy wandering!

Amor de Dios...Flamenco, Fearless

Davide Cossu Photography, Amor de Dios studio. Madrid, Spain.

I remember getting lost in La Latina searching for Flamenco shoes. Finding a small shop and being fitted with these black leather, heeled works of art that looked like artifacts compared to the costume shoes I used to wear in dance performances growing up. I splurged for a skirt. I went back to my place in Salamanca and tried it all on, with a black leotard, put my hair in a low bun and tried to make my best Flamenco face. I took out my map of Madrid and tried to memorize the way to Amor de Dios, so I wouldn't look like a tourist. A visitor. Someone that doesn't belong.


I wrapped up in layers, it was fall, and walked to the metro. Took the blue line to Antón Martín and took a peak at my map. I wandered the old cobblestone streets, past la Jamonería, past Cine Dore, through a market, up the stairs and stumbled into a bare room. Christián was the teacher. I was never the same.


I've always been inspired by Flamenco -- the passion, the music, the style, the movement, the arms. Even though once my sister and I snuck out of a performance half way through, because we couldn't take any more wailing, I love it.

Here are some photos that inspire me and I hope inspire fearlessness in you!

Here are a song from Christián's flamenco cd that he gifted me when I left Madrid: Flamenco de Christián uno

Davide Cossu Photography, Amor de Dios

flamencoshoes -- etxe




