snow day

Snow Day

Our new house is right next to Malcolm X park / Meridian Hill. I was working from home today so I took a break and snapped some photos of the snowy park! Kids were sleighing, making snow angels and having snow ball fights. The entire park had a fresh blanked of snow. It was gorgeous. 


snow day musings

Working from home on a snow day in Shaw

I'm still getting used to the notion of a snow day. It's kind of crazy that everything just shuts down--and strange how unprepared DC is for any amount of snow. I suppose it's just so unusual. Things I did today while snow whirred and swirled around me:

  • Enjoyed working from home or WFH for all of you that love acronyms. My room is still not quite set up, but I've got an internet connection, a laptop and the enthusiasm of a new job!
  • Watched an episode of GIRLS--the one where they take a trip to 'The North Fork'. Definitely the best one I've seen so far this season (I know, I need to catch up).
  • Made some Banana-Oat-Coconut-Almond cookies following Ebeth's recipe from our Whole Foods Challenge. They were surprisingly easy and un-surprisingly delicious.
  • Worked out in my room ... because I was too scared of slipping on the ice or falling into a few feet of snow.

Hope you had a great day--snow day or not!

remember that day it snowed?

It was gorgeous today in DC. We actually ate lunch outside (gasp) and I spotted a bizillion dogs soaking up the sun. I did not even have to carry a coat. At nearly 70 degrees people had shorts on and did not look crazy! Well, remember that day it snowed? I think it's gonna happen again next week...I took these photos last week and figured I should post them as a reminder that it's not quite spring yet. When you don't have to get through it, snow is pretty beautiful.

But we still can't wait for spring!Snow Emergency - Washington DC - EtxeLonely bench with snowsnow as tall as a short personbaby snow personDaddy snow personSquirrel in snowSmithsonian covered in snowCapitol snow washington dcDIrty Snowwashington monument in snow

snow day

snowday-2-13-14-etxe I'm sitting in a small room on the third floor of a row-house in Columbia Heights. My internet finally working (I think all the devices wigged it out since everyone is home on my first snow day!) so I can put up a post. Which made me think about how lucky I am (we are) to even have internet. For many people this is not the case--and if we don't fight for our rights in a digital world, it won't even be the same for us who currently have access. Then what will we do when we want to watch House of Cards?! I'm a bit conflicted about this article in the nytimes...because online petitions are kind of annoying and seem pointless. And people can't call Congresspeople to argue an issue if they don't have all the facts, which is sometimes how I feel...and big internet companies have lobbyists and their interests aren't always our interests ... and so I'll keep blogging until the power players funnel access or censoring denies me the ability.

(My First) Snow Day Facts:

1. Feels like Spain on a Sunday. Harrar Coffee is closed today, which is kind of the worst news ever as it is the only place I would dare walk in this snow. Grocery shopping, gym time, coffee meetings and museum visits have been canceled from my agenda. Kale shake-making, recipe research and novel reading have filled the void.

2. OPM Controls Snow Days. I can now add OPM (U.S. Office of Personnel Management) to my list of new acronyms necessary to know in DC, as it is the place to check for 'snow day' alerts. It's nice having everyone home--this new house of people that I surprisingly get along with really well. They work in all different areas--government, non-profit, yoga...and only one of them is from a state I've ever lived in (or been to), which is a bit sad, but true. Soon I can cross Maryland off my list...

3. Trips Get Cancelled. My sister, aunt and I were supposed to take a weekend trip to NY, but due to weather conditions had to cancel. We are all bummed, but we can reschedule. Now I'm debating how long it will take to order MUJI products online, or if I should just wait.

4. Salt Makes a Mess. I now understand why at a recent house viewing the tenant kept complaining about the salt stains on the wood floor. I can't help but see them now in every house I visit.

5. Scandal is Cheesy. We tried it, we almost got a third of the way through, but it was just too much. Luckily I have Revenge to fill my need for cheesy soapy tv shows.

And news--I start a new job next week and I'm moving to Shaw (permanently) in March! I love the transition, the journey, the unexpected, but it is so nice to have things settle a bit. I am really excited to get back to the grind -- and for a great company with amazing people.

Happy snow day!